What To Expect
As a potential surrogate, the very first thing you need to do is RESEARCH. Find out everything that's involved in a surrogacy journey so you can decide whether surrogacy is right for you. There are some great resources online, such as websites, groups and YouTube videos, but you can also reach out to agencies such as us directly and get more information to help you make a better and more informed decision with no pressure. The surrogacy process is quite long and involved; there is a level of commitment and responsibility that you need to be prepared for. It is not a quick money-making scheme! You must be prepared for frequent doctor’s appointments, paperwork, phone calls, medications and more before you even get to the pregnancy part! It's very important to have a flexible schedule, as certain appointments must be done on certain days and times during the embryo transfer cycle, so unfortunately, a surrogacy journey doesn't always work around your ideal schedule! Fortunately, companies such as ours are here to guide you through each step of the process, so you have less to worry about and can focus on enjoying the experience!
During a surrogacy, you can expect to go through the following basic steps:
Carrying a baby for someone else is a big deal, and we need to know you're committed, informed and ready to handle the journey. It's also a good way for you to see whether our agency is a good fit for you! Once you've filled out our application, our intake specialists will reach out and complete your intake interview, during which we will answer all your questions.
We will obtain the records from your own previous pregnancies to make sure there weren't any major issues that could disqualify you from moving forward as a surrogate. We will also run a criminal background check. We don’t check credit or any financial information; we’re only really looking for felonies on your record, any drug charges, or charges relating to child endangerment.
Once your medical records and background screening are approved, we will show your profile to available intended parents. Once we have interest, we will give you some information about them as well to see whether they're a family you would consider working with based on types of people you have told us you’re willing to carry for. We will set up a video chat with them so you can get to know each other, ask questions, and see whether the match is a good fit for both parties.
Once a match is confirmed, we will reach out to your intended parents' IVF clinic and send them your medical information, along with the match information. They will then schedule your medical screening, for which you will go in person to the IVF clinic. They will check your BMI (height and weight), run bloodwork, perform a drug test and STD tests, and check the health of your reproductive organs by way of an ultrasound.
You will have to undergo psychological screening to become a surrogate, to make sure you're mentally and emotionally ready to handle the process. The psychologist will discuss all aspects of the surrogacy journey with you to make sure you understand how you will feel about things such as giving the baby to the intended parents at birth, and what type of relationship you're hoping to have with them during and after the pregnancy. A report will be sent to your agency for review and will also be shared with the fertility clinic.
After you're officially medically and psychologically cleared, you will proceed into the legal process. A contract will be drawn up between yourself and the intended parents, which both parties will agree upon and sign. The contract outlines your responsibilities and rights as a surrogate, the responsibilities of the intended parents, any forbidden behaviors during pregnancy, and of course your compensation! You will have your own attorney representing you separately, which is paid for by the intended parents.
Here comes the fun part! Once the contract is in place, your clinic will create a calendar, which will tell you which medications you're going to take to prepare your body to accept a foreign (not biologically related to you) embryo, and when your tentative embryo transfer date will be. Medications are usually a mixture of pills, self-administered injections, and vaginal suppositories, and usually continue for 2-4 weeks prior to the embryo transfer procedure. You will go back to the fertility clinic for the embryo transfer procedure itself, which is a very quick, simple and painless process. 9-12 days after the transfer, your pregnancy will be confirmed by HCG blood test. If you are pregnant - congratulations! If the transfer unfortunately failed - not to worry! It's pretty common. You will just wait for a period and try another transfer once the clinic is ready for you.
You will stay on all your medications until the doctor tells you to stop - usually around 10 weeks of pregnancy, or 8 weeks after your embryo transfer procedure. At this point, the IVF clinic will release you into the care of your OBGYN. You may choose which doctor to see throughout your pregnancy, as long as they are within network of your surrogacy-friendly health insurance. From this point on, your pregnancy will be as normal! Just make sure to get all required testing done, such as Nuchal Translucency, NIPT, Anatomy Scan, Glucose Tolerance Test, GBS swab and any other important screening. Your agency will help to remind you which tests need to be done and when you need to make the appointments.
When it's time for baby to arrive, the intended parents will usually travel to your area a few weeks before your due date. You will have selected a hospital you want to deliver at and have registered there in advance. The agency will make sure all documents establishing the parental rights of the intended parents have been filed with the hospital social worker in advance, so they know this is a surrogate pregnancy and who the parents are. When it's time for baby to come, all you need to do is go to the hospital!
After delivery, your agency will make sure all final payments, medical bills and any other loose ends are tied up. We will also be here to provide emotional support if you need it, and to make sure you're recovering well both physically and mentally.